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96 'Content-Type' => 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
97 'Authorization' => sprintf('Bearer %s', Configurator::$instance->get('tmdb'))
98 ];
100 // Append language preference to headers to avoid adult content
101 $headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US'; // Example: Set language preference to English
103 // Make the GET request with headers
104 $resp = EasyCurl::setHeaders($headers)->get(...$args);
106 // Check if response status is not 200 OK
107 if ($resp->getStatus() != 200) {
108 throw new TmdbClientException('Tmdb Client Error: ' . $resp->getBody(), $resp->getStatus());
109 }
111 // Check for adult content in response (assuming TMDB API supports such filtering)
112 $jsonResponse = json_decode($resp->getBody(), true);
115 return $resp;
116 }
119 public function getGenre(): array
120 {
121 return $this->request('genre/' . $this->getType() . '/list')['genres'] ?? [];