Tmdb Client Error: {"success":false,"status_code":11,"status_message":"Internal error: Something went wrong, contact TMDb.","combined_credits":{"cast":[{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/kUaDIoYiV8iC1qk7SCe14rlDdoB.jpg","genre_ids":[10751],"id":282398,"original_language":"en","original_title":"K-9 Adventures: Legend of the Lost Gold","overview":"When Kassie and her friends stumble across an old, broken pocket watch they begin an unexpected journey to unlock the secret of the legendary Garrison Gold. They'll have to solve riddles and follow clues to find the lost treasure. With the help of her faithful dog, Scoot and her gang of misfit friends, Kassie is about to go on the adventure of a lifetime! - Written by BigK509","popularity":1.819,"poster_path":"/512CMRXrg47gBW6uQFv0MpuqyJz.jpg","release_date":"2014-06-04","title":"K-9 Adventures: Legend of the Lost Gold","video":false,"vote_average":6.8,"vote_count":10,"character":"Hazel","credit_id":"5bbb36119251414704005174","order":15,"media_type":"movie"}],"crew":[]}}
96 'Content-Type' => 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
97 'Authorization' => sprintf('Bearer %s', Configurator::$instance->get('tmdb'))
98 ];
100 // Append language preference to headers to avoid adult content
101 $headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US'; // Example: Set language preference to English
103 // Make the GET request with headers
104 $resp = EasyCurl::setHeaders($headers)->get(...$args);
106 // Check if response status is not 200 OK
107 if ($resp->getStatus() != 200) {
108 throw new TmdbClientException('Tmdb Client Error: ' . $resp->getBody(), $resp->getStatus());
109 }
111 // Check for adult content in response (assuming TMDB API supports such filtering)
112 $jsonResponse = json_decode($resp->getBody(), true);
115 return $resp;
116 }
119 public function getGenre(): array
120 {
121 return $this->request('genre/' . $this->getType() . '/list')['genres'] ?? [];